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Farm Experience & Zoo with Jackie & Russell

Farm Experience & Zoo
We were raring to go as we set off to Twyford Zoo, very excited to see our favourite animals. 

As soon as we had walked through the gates, we were met by the Siamang Monkeys. These have special throat sacks which inflate to make their voices so loud that they can be heard up to 2km away! Then we headed to the meerkat enclosure where these cheeky little animals were constantly on the lookout. This was followed by the Amur leopards which are critically endangered and estimated to be only 70 left in the world. It was then off to see Amy’s favourite animal- the penguins. 

We then went inside the butterfly encounter where they flew over our heads. It was so much fun when they landed on us thinking we might be food! Continuing our journey around the zoo we came across giraffes, rhinos, orangutans and zebras. 

A fabulous day was spent at Ash End Farm. As we arrived, we were each handed a bucket full of food for the animals which contained hay and carrots. The first animals we found were the goats who greedily ate out of our hands and even tried to steal our buckets full of food! Next, we came across the guinea pigs who pulled our carrots through the wire fence and ran off to eat them. This made us laugh. 

The chickens were next and we all sat in a line and were passed two baby chicks that were in a basket. As we stroked these little fluffy balls, we couldn’t help but think how cute they were. Each of us were given a fresh egg to take home so we decided we would have them for breakfast in the morning.

The very impressive shire horses wowed us with their size and we learnt that one of them was pregnant and due to give birth in two weeks. We all thought we could see the baby moving in her tummy.

 On the opposite end of the size scale was the very cute miniature Shetland pony. Everyone was able to get hands on and give her a brush. We think she enjoyed the pampering!

It was game on as we headed to the bowling alley for a few friendly but competitive games. It was girls vs boys and at points it was neck and neck. With some great shots a few strikes, Jake was crowned our winner with Steven coming a very close second.

Another animal adventure was at Bluebells Dairy to see some more farm animals. On arrival we passed the rabbit enclosures where we saw some giant rabbits. We loved being able to feed the lovable lama's who liked being stroked. 

After that we got to groom a goat but they wouldn’t keep still as they were so playful. 

Next, we made our way to the activity pen where we were able to take a sheep for a walk. Everyone absolutely loved this! Their wool wasn’t as soft as we had imagined, it felt very thick and matted. It boggled us to imagine that their wool would be turned into jumpers! 

We passed the pot-bellied pigs who were enjoying themselves by rolling in the thick mud. Pig heaven! 

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